Monday, March 15, 2010

Ride the City now for DC--find bike paths throughout the metro area

NEW Ride the City for Metro Washington DC.  Check out these maps.  They're looking for ways to improve the routes, so give them yours under "rate this route."

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    My name is Barry Skidmore, I'm a volunteer with Phoenix Bikes, a non-profit bike shop in Arlington. We're holding our third-annual Bike Show fundraiser on April 8 in Ballston.

    We’re currently working to get the word out about the show and we’re looking to local bloggers for help.

    Would you be interested in helping us promote this event on your site? If so, please email me at barry.skidmore (at) so we can discuss further.

    You can find out more about the Bike Show and Phoenix Bikes at our website:



Post links to your maps/routes on (Trimble Outdoors) or and I'll embed them in a new post.

Post other links & I'll add them to the link file.